Information on donations

Your support in our diverse tasks and collection areas.

The collection of the Österreichische Mediathek mainly comprises audio and video recordings on Austrian contemporary and cultural history and owes numerous objects to the generosity and commitment of private collectors.

Whether you own rare records or video cassettes, have created your own audio or video documentaries, or have collected radio or television recordings: If the documents are related to Austria and you would like to see them professionally preserved in a permanent archive, please contact us!

To enable us to categorize your collection and compare it with our holdings, please send the following information by e-mail to

  • Contents of the collection (Austria-related)
  • What period does the collection cover (e.g. 1970s)
  • Number / quantity
  • Audio documents or video documents?
  • Which analog formats does the collection include (e.g. shellac records and VHS tapes)?
  • Which digital formats does the collection include (e.g. wav files and mpg files)
  • Can you send us a photo of the collection?

One of our employees will then be happy to discuss the options for handing over the collection with you. 

However, we ask for your understanding that we have to be selective and therefore reject donations in part or in full. The reasons for this are usually that there is no clear connection to Austria or that we already have these recordings in our collection.


Thank you for supporting us in preserving our audiovisual cultural heritage!

Ihre Sammlung, oder die Ihrer Eltern... ©
Ihre Sammlung, oder die Ihrer Eltern...
...auch wenn diese ungeordnet ist...
...auch wenn diese ungeordnet ist...
...oder auch geordnete Materialien mit Listen oder Zusatzinformationen.
...oder auch geordnete Materialien mit Listen oder Zusatzinformationen.

Ihre Ansprechpartner_innen

Haben Sie Fragen zu Sammlungsübergaben? Wir stehen Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung!

Kurator historische Aufnahmen, Sammlungsübernahmen
Robert Pfundner, Mag.
+43 1 5973669-7158, E-Mail
Leitung Österreichische Mediathek
Gabriele Fröschl,
+43 1 5973669-7153, E-Mail
Stellvertretende Leitung, Presse, Vermittlung, Kooperationen
Johannes Kapeller, Mag.
+43 1 5973669-7138, E-Mail
Webmaster, Kopieranfragen, Kurator Wortaufnahmen
Peter Ploteny, Mag.
+43 1 5973669-7157, E-Mail