
As the Austrian archive for the preservation of audio and video, we have a very broad range of responsibilities. We are very happy to work with national and international partners, with whom we are very happy to network and without whom our work would not be possible. The Österreichische Mediathek would like to thank all the people and institutions that have significantly supported and continue to support our work by donating material as gifts or permanent loans and by collaborating on projects!
[Translate to English:] 2 Hände. Symbolbild Kooperationen ©
Collaborations are an important pillar of the work of the Österreichische Mediathek
[Translate to English:] Analoge Medienträger in einer Kartonschachtel ©
We are happy to preserve audio and video collections of historical relevance to Austrian media history.
[Translate to English:] Festsplattenspeicher, Langzeitarchivierung ©
Media content is digitally archived for the long term together with other cultural institutions.
[Translate to English:] Schild "Willkommen in der Österreichischen Mediathek" ©
“Welcome to the Österreichische Mediathek”

Digitization partnerships in the fields of music and theater

We cooperate with other cultural institutions in the fields of theater and music to fulfill our mission of preserving Austria's audiovisual cultural heritage. In recent years, several successful collaborations have been established to secure unique recordings of Austrian music and theater history. 

Collaborations with cultural heritage institutions

We cooperate at various levels with a range of cultural heritage institutions in Austria and abroad. This promotes professional exchange and networking at the institutional level. By acquiring historically significant recordings related to Austrian cultural history, we expand our collection in cooperation and exchange with other institutions.

Collaborations of the collection MenschenLeben

Interview cooperations with a focus on refugees and first-generation Muslims in Austria, 2020-2023

Are you interested in a collaboration?

Please feel free to contact us!

Stellvertretende Leitung, Presse, Vermittlung, Kooperationen
Johannes Kapeller, Mag.
+43 1 5973669-7138, E-Mail
Leitung Projekt MenschenLeben
Johanna Zechner, Mag.a
+43 1 5973669-7134, E-Mail