Violinsonate Nr. 9 A-Dur op. 47



Catalog slip

Title Violinsonate Nr. 9 A-Dur op. 47
Title addition Violin Sonata No. 9, Kreutzer Sonata
Playing time 00:03:37
Authors Beethoven, Ludwig van [Komponist/in] [GND]
Contributors Klijn, Nap de [Violine] [GND]
Heksch, Alice [Klavier] [GND]
Elite Special [Label]
Turicaphon [Produzent]
Place Wien, Haus "Zum silbernen Vogel" [Ortsbezug]
Keywords Musik ; E-Musik ; Instrumentalmusik - Sonate, Sonatine ; Instrumente - Violine ; Instrumente - Klavier ; Publizierte und vervielfältigte Aufnahme
Spatial classification Wien
19. Jahrhundert
Type audio
Format SCS [Schallplatte, Schellack]
Numbers 7074 [Bestellnummer]
4414 [Katalognummer]
4414 2 [Matrizennummer]
Language Englisch
Signature Österreichische Mediathek, 2-00005_a_b01_k02
Media type Mp3-Audiodatei
Wien, Petersplatz 11. Ehemaliger Wohnort Ludwig van Beethovens 1802/1803. Bild: CC BY-SA 3.0 AT. Österreichische Mediathek 2020.

Wien, Petersplatz 11. Ehemaliger Wohnort Ludwig van Beethovens 1802/1803. Bild: CC BY-SA 3.0 AT. Österreichische Mediathek 2020.



Beethoven composed his virtuosic “Kreutzer” Sonata in the course of 1802 and 1803, when he was living on Petersplatz, originally for a joint concert with the violinist George P. Bridgetower. However, the first edition of the sheet music, published in 1805, was dedicated to Rodolphe Kreutzer, who gave the composition its famous sobriquet. In a break with previous sonatas, the violin is given greater prominence than was customary at the time. The piece marks a move away from chamber music as such, and towards virtuoso concert music. This shift is clear from the opening bars of the sonata, as shown in this recording. The Presto in A minor is preceded by an “Adagio sostenuto” introduction in A major, in which the violin introduces itself as a solo instrument.

The recording features the duo (and married couple) Nap de Klijn (1909–1979) and Alice Heksch, who were both from Amsterdam. Little is known about their respective biographyical. Heksch was one of the Jews supported through the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands by Aart Vos, a member of the Dutch resistance. After the Second World War the couple resumed their careers as concert musicians, performing as a chamber duo in various European countries. They enjoyed considerable success, particularly with their performances of Mozart.
(Constanze Köhn)

Collection history

Schellacksammlung Teuchtler

Location in the digital collection


Musik ; E-Musik , Instrumentalmusik - Sonate, Sonatine , Instrumente - Violine , Instrumente - Klavier , Publizierte und vervielfältigte Aufnahme

Part of the collection

Schellacksammlung Teuchtler

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