"Ronny" Album




Titel "Ronny" Album
Titelzusatz Home-Recording
Spieldauer 00:07:27
Urheber/innen Schönberg, Arnold [Sprecher/in] [GND]
Schönberg, Gertrud [Sprecher/in] [GND]
Nono-Schoenberg, Nuria [Sprecher/in] [GND]
Kolisch, Henriette [Gefeierte Person]
Datum 1935.01.20 [Bezugsdatum]
Ort Los Angeles, Wohnhaus / residence Arnold Schönberg [Ortsbezug]
Schlagworte Musik ; E-Musik ; Unveröffentlichte Aufnahme
Zeitliche Einordnung 20. Jahrhundert - 30er Jahre
Typ audio
Format SCS [Schallplatte, Schellack]
Sprache Englisch
Signatur Österreichische Mediathek, e11-00908_b02_k02
Medienart Mp3-Audiodatei



A record set labeled “Ronny” in Schönberg’s Estate consists of recordings that partially originated in a private setting, presumably as a keepsake for Schönberg’s son Rudolf Ronald who was born in 1937. One record contains two movements of Mozart’s third Prussian Quartet and from Schubert’s quartet “Death and the Maiden,” performed by Ronny’s uncle Rudolf Kolisch and his Wiener Streichquartett. Several other sides are filled with a recording of an unknown pianist playing the solo part of Frédéric Chopin’s Piano Concerto No. 1. Voice recordings of the family were made soon after their move to Los Angeles. On January 20, 1935 Schönberg recorded two greetings with his wife Gertrud and daughter Nuria. One record for Alban Berg – unfortunately missing – that was sent to Schönberg’s former student in Vienna for his 50th birthday on February 9, and a second with the label “RCA Victor Home Recording Record” for Gertrud’s mother Henriette Kolisch, who lived in Vienna and celebrated her birthday on February 22. The message recorded for Henriette Kolisch on January 20, 1935 has been made available by the Arnold Schönberg Center on YouTube in an illustrated version with optimized sound. Besides expressing the request that Henriette Kolisch should leave Vienna soon and move to California, the Schönbergs talk to their three-year-old daughter Nuria about her dolls, the guest room for her grandmother, and how to prepare spinach. (Text: Arnold Schönberg Center)


Sammlung Schönberg

Verortung in der digitalen Sammlung


Musik ; E-Musik , Unveröffentlichte Aufnahme

Teil der Sammlung

Sammlung Schönberg