Four Songs for Voice and Orchestra op. 22. Nr. 4 Premonition




Titel Four Songs for Voice and Orchestra op. 22. Nr. 4 Premonition
Spieldauer 00:03:27
Urheber/innen Schönberg, Arnold [Komponist/in] [GND]
Mitwirkende Rosbaud, Hans [Dirigent] [GND]
Reinecke-Zillig, Hertha [Gesang]
Südwestdeutscher Rundfunk [Produzent]
Ort Frankfurt, Saalbau / Concert Hall [Ortsbezug]
Schlagworte Musik ; E-Musik ; Unveröffentlichte Aufnahme
Zeitliche Einordnung 20. Jahrhundert - 20er Jahre
20. Jahrhundert - 30er Jahre
Typ audio
Format SCS [Schallplatte, Schellack]
Sprache Englisch
Signatur Österreichische Mediathek, e11-00203_b01_k02
Medienart Mp3-Audiodatei



The premiere of the “Four Songs for Voice and Orchestra” op. 22 was held as many as sixteen years after completion of the composition, on February 21, 1932 at the 7th Monday concert by the Frankfurt Orchestral Society, conducted by Hans Rosbaud. While the concert was still in the planning stage, Schönberg recommended that the solo part should be sung by “a very talented singer […] whose voice and style of singing greatly pleases me and who is certain to produce the notes flawlessly because she is the wife of my student Winfried Zillig”. (Arnold Schönberg to Hans Rosbaud, June 12, 1931) Rosbaud agreed to this suggestion and hired Hertha Reinecke-Zillig for the premiere. The composer planned to travel from Barcelona for the concert, but was forced to cancel for health reasons. Soon after the concert, Winfried Zillig sent a report of the radio program: “The broadcast was excellent here, every word could be understood, even the lowest note could be heard, every inner voice in the orchestra was clear and distinct, and the sound was wonderful. […] Incidentally, the songs were also recorded on discs in Frankfurt, and they are supposed to sound very good. I am very eager to hear them.” (Letter dated February 28, 1932) Rudolf Kolisch confirmed this positive opinion in a letter to his former teacher: “Here in Frankfurt […] we have listened to the records of your orchestral songs op. 22 to celebrate our radio broadcast. There was a great deal to be heard (especially in the upper voices) and the sound was wonderful (especially in the orchestra.)” (Letter dated March 15, 1932). (Text: Arnold Schönberg Center)


Sammlung Schönberg

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Musik ; E-Musik , Unveröffentlichte Aufnahme

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