V. I. I. [11.10.1986]


Dieses Medium ist Teil des Gesamtwerks Vokal - Instrumental - International


Titel V. I. I. [11.10.1986]
Urheber/innen und Mitwirkende Langer, Walter Richard [Gestaltung] [GND]
ORF Radio Österreich 3 [Sendeanstalt]
Art Blakey with the Original Jazz Messengers [Gruppe]
Holman, Bill [GND]
Faye, Frances
Smith, Keely [GND]
Riddle, Nelson [GND]
Laine, Cleo [GND]
Farmer, Art [GND]
Pepper, Art [GND]
Brown, Ray [GND]
McRae, Carmen [GND]
Shore, Dinah [GND]
Shorter, Wayne
Datum 1986.10.11 [Sendedatum]
Schlagworte Musik ; U-Musik ; Moderne Musikformen - Jazz ; Radiosendung-Mitschnitt
Typ audio
Format DFMP3 [Dateiformat: MP3]
DFWAV [Dateiformat: Broadcast WAV]
KKA [Kompaktkassette]
Signatur 6-53741_a_K01, 6-53741_a_or, 6-53741_a
Medienart Mediendatei
Gesamtwerk/Reihe Vokal - Instrumental - International



Bill Holman: The Moon Is Blue ; Frances Faye: Out Of The World ; Keeley Smith, Nelson Riddle: When Day Is Done ; Cleo Laine: Please Don't Talk ; Art Farmer, Art Pepper, Ray Brown: Down Wind ; Carmen McRae: All By Myself ; Dinah Shore: The Very Thought of You ; Art Blakey with the Original Jazz Messengers live in Birdland (W. Shorter, B. Timmons): The Breeze And I