From Today till Tomorrow op. 32

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    Titel From Today till Tomorrow op. 32
    Spieldauer 00:17:32
    Urheber/innen Schönberg, Arnold [Komponist/in] [GND]
    Mitwirkende Schönberg, Arnold [Dirigent] [GND]
    Funkstunde Berlin [Produzent]
    Reichs-Rundfunk-Gesellschaft [Produzent]
    Ort Frankfurt am Main, Alte Oper [Ortsbezug]
    Schlagworte Musik ; E-Musik ; Unveröffentlichte Aufnahme
    20. Jahrhundert - 30er Jahre
    Typ audio
    Format SCS [Schallplatte, Schellack]
    Sprache Englisch
    Signatur Österreichische Mediathek, e11-00204_b02_k02
    Medienart Mp3-Audiodatei
    Stage photo premiere Von heute auf morgen op. 32. Arnold Schönberg Center, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT

    Stage photo premiere Von heute auf morgen op. 32. Arnold Schönberg Center, CC BY-SA 3.0 AT



    Immediately after the premiere of his opera “From Today till Tomorrow” op. 32 in Frankfurt am Main on February 1, 1930, Arnold Schönberg was given the opportunity to conduct the work in a radio broadcast for the Berlin Funk-Stunde. The composer expected an audience of at least 5,000 people. The newspaper Vogtland-Anzeiger reported on March 9, 1930: “The Berlin Funkstunde has become happy to try out new things; that was evinced by the performance (which Schönberg himself had prepared in many self-sacrificing rehearsals) and by the space in which it was executed. The old studio has become too small for opera broadcasts, so a nearby convention hall, replete with Romantic stucco work, was rented and a few makeshift curtains were hung to correct the acoustics. Schönberg sat at the likewise makeshift conductor’s desk and mastered the difficult score with extreme calm. […] It turns out […] that this opera in particular is outstandingly suitable for a radio broadcast.” (Vogtland-Anzeiger, March 9, 1930) As little as two weeks later, Schönberg received a delivery with “phonograph recordings which were made during the first broadcast of the opera From Today till Tomorrow. Please note that these recordings can only be played properly using electric transmission and dynamic loudspeakers. They are not designed like usual gramophone recordings playable on a conventional apparatus available in shops. Even so, they yield a very good result when played on a good gramophone.” (Funk-Stunde Aktiengesellschaft, December 12, 1930). (Text: Arnold Schönberg Center)


    Sammlung Schönberg

    Verortung in der digitalen Sammlung


    Musik ; E-Musik , Unveröffentlichte Aufnahme

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    Sammlung Schönberg